the new year is approaching and a new challenge is about to begin! there is much to tell. a curious adventure is about to commence...
after reading about several such challenges online, i am excited to launch my own version. based on the girl who's little black dress challenge, the uniform project, the brown dress creator, and other experimental dressers out there with a cause, i am about to embark on six months of wearing the same dress (maybe a year...let's just try this out for a bit, though, and see what happens). day in, day out, for six whole months, i will mix up what i already own, beg and borrow from others, and have a bit of fun and a challenge along the way.
...this from a girl who has been known to change outfits several times a day since i learned to dress myself...
so why would i do such a thing? for my own sense of adventure, but i am also hoping to raise money for charity at the same time. by getting people to sponsor my little experiment, i am hoping to raise money for a place close to my heart: almost home in kingston, ontario.
here is where you can (hopefully) help me out. i would love it if you could take a couple of minutes and look through your own wardrobe and perhaps consider donating an unused item or accessory that i could use to embellish my simple dress. i will be documenting the results on this blog and it would be more than a little boring if i only wore the same dress, day in and day out. this way, we all win - you can re-gift an old item that's just sitting in your closet anyway and i can get some enjoyment out of it. similarly, if you or someone you know are handy or crafty, perhaps you'd consider making me a fancy accoutrement and i will absolutely be more than pleased to give you full credit here.
so whether you are able to donate a little money towards this project, a wardrobe item or accessory, or just a few words of helpful encouragement (or even some good-humoured taunting - i'll take whatever i can get), it would really be appreciated. it would also be great if you could pass this along to anyone you know who might be interested in my cause. it's just my lighthearted attempt at having a little fun, saving some money, and helping others out a bit at the same time.
wouldn't life be boring if we didn't take any risks along the way?