day one hundred four

the other day, i introduced you to this website. i am now officially obsessed with these types of endeavours and have discovered yet another fascinating project: this fellow canadian (yay!) is making all of her clothes for an entire year. "all of her clothes" means exactly that: she is hand making everything down to her underwear, socks, and shoes. yes, shoes. i would love to be able to actually make my own shoes.

she has an amazing unique style which is somehow all the more interesting knowing that she handcrafted each and every piece that she is wearing. but still, shoes? i must learn more about this.

now i just need to find a few extra minutes hours in my day to catch up on all of these amazing sites...


today's look while having not made a thing i'm wearing (but glad that someone else did):

blue turtleneck under dress: donated by kimberly's deja vu boutique (details below) for this project - thanks! (free)
blue silk scarf worn around waist: also donated by kimberly - thanks! (free)
black tights: ($8)
brown leather boots: aldo, about three years old (about $125)

grand total:
about $133.08

kimberly's deja vu boutique
sommerville centre, 6835 highway 62 north (1 mile off the 401)
belleville, ontario k8n 4z5