day one hundred thirty-two

it's a very canadian night tonight around here. The Husband is watching a hockey game, and i've got a bubble bath date with miriam. sorry, i'd write more, but i don't want to keep her waiting.


today's look while stepping away from the internet for a night:

grey t-shirt under dress: donated by my sister for this project - thanks! (free)
grey tie around waist: also donated by my sister for this project - thanks! (free)
jeans: donated by kimberly's deja vu boutique (details below) for this project - thanks! (free)
beaded bracelets: mix of some donated by my friend vanessa dewson for this project - thanks! (free) and some from smart set ($5 for a set)
black flats: payless, about two years old ($20)

grand total:
about $25.08

kimberly's deja vu boutique
sommerville centre, 6835 highway 62 north (1 mile off the 401)
belleville, ontario k8n 4z5