day eighty-three - part one

a couple of weeks ago, i was interviewed by the cbc for this project. it was definitely one of the highlights of this endeavour so far. for those of you who missed it or who live outside of the ottawa/kingston area, go to today's part two post to have a listen.


green t-shirt under dress: donated by marci bruyere for this project - thanks! (free)
pewter silk tie around waist: donated by kimberly's deja vu boutique (details below) for this project - thanks! (free)
silver dog tags: found in closet, apparently from a really old lame video game promotion (free)
black tights - zellers ($8)

grand total:
about $8.08

kimberly's deja vu boutique
sommerville centre, 6835 highway 62 north (1 mile off the 401)
belleville, ontario k8n 4z5