and now back to judy, who is well-deserving of such a prize for her generosity. it doesn't surprise me at all that she won my little contest. judy is one of the most generous people i have ever known. she is forever picking up things here and there for me whenever she has the opportunity. she never shows up empty-handed. you have already come to know her as seamstress extraordinaire, garage sale queen, and artist. if you take all of these qualities, mix them up in a blender, and pour them into a fancy (secondhand) glass, you would be handed a generosity milkshake whipped up and topped off with a cherry by my very own sister. she goes to clothes swaps and brings me bags of things i appreciate and use. she lets me in on best-kept secret places to source amazing bargains. she takes requests and spins them into beautiful handmade items and doesn't charge a dime. i'm sure she won't mind me saying so, but she doesn't have that much extra herself, yet she still found the generosity to donate to my project.
what more could a sister ask for?
today's look while getting some vitamin c:
purple turtleneck under dress: jacob connexion, about three years old ($15)
yellow polka dotted silk scarf around waist: secondhand (free)
red beaded necklace worn as bracelet: gift from old co-worker (free)
purple tights: zellers ($10)
black platform shoes: aldo, two years old ($125)
grand total:
about $150.08
thanks for all your nice comments this week. wow, i do feel like i have been in a spotlight all week!
i know you will help almost home through this project, and i'm sure they will appreciate all you have done for them, and i think it's a great idea!
i'll always be rooting for you and thanks again,
love ya
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