day sixty-one

as promised, starting today, judy witty will get her name in lights for an entire week for contributing the largest donation from last week's contest - congratulations and thank you!

judy is a very modest person (too modest, i think - she is beyond talented in so many areas!) and swears she didn't enter my contest to promote any particular cause, so I will just have to give her some much-deserved recognition myself this week. if she thinks she's going to get off lightly and hide in the shadows, it's not gonna happen!

so to kick things off, judy started a fun blog this year. she is posting a photograph every day over on her website: the name is derived from one of her foremost passions: sewing. (more to come on that this week.) so please head on over there first and meet my amazing big sis!


today's look while making some new stuff to wear:

striped t-shirt under dress: value village, about seven months old ($7)
crocheted scarf: handmade and donated by my sister for this project - thanks! (free)
striped socks: zellers ($5)
black platform shoes: aldo from two years ago ($125)

grand total:
about $137.08